
We have the capabilities to fiberglass or carbon fiber components or whole rockets.
If you do not see it here we are happy to quote the work.
We have pushed our work and designs to Mach 4.

Results 11 - 15 of 15
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Custom Composite Work

glasstubes Call

Fiberglassed 3" rocket kit

Fiberglassed 3" rocket kit

Sales price: $25.00

Product details

glasstubes Call

Fiberglassed 3" MMT

Fiberglassed 3" body tube

Sales price: $25.00

Product details

glasstubes Call

Fiberglassed 3" body tube

Fiberglassed 3" body tube

Sales price: $25.00

Product details

carbontubes Call

Carbon wrapped 6.0" body tube

Carbon wrapped 6.0" body tube

Sales price: $200.00

Product details

carbontubes Call

Carbon wrapped 3.9" body tube

Carbon wrapped 3.9" body tube

Sales price: $100.00

Product details

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